Monday, July 25, 2016

I Am Blessed

I haven’t written in this Blog space for 5 years - the last Blog I wrote was a month before my 40th Birthday and now I am turning 45 years in 2 months.  Wow, in so many ways a lot has changed, my life has changed - and yet I am still the same in so many ways - and in other ways I have grown.

In terms of my life, 7 years ago today, I went to my neighbour’s housewarming (who happens to now be my husband), and that night there was a spark, the start of us liking each other.  And now we share our lives with our two beautiful children, my greatest dreams have come true.  I am blessed.  I am ecstatic!  I have always been in search of my true love - and now my search is over.  I absolutely love being a Mum - my children bring me so much joy.  And I love being the home maker and home manager.

As I approach my 45th Birthday I feel more confident in myself and my mission.  And it is a journey that requires a commitment to continual learning and personal development.  I am blessed - I am happy to be healthy, I am loving my vegetarian cooking (especially , I love making healthy treats for our family, I enjoy getting out walking with my children, I love our home, I love spending time with my family, I am part of a wonderful Church community, I love my friends, I am surrounded by people who inspire me, I love my job and I even like my hair!  I am also really excited to be currently planning to re-establish my Coaching Business.

I am not striving to be perfect or to have a perfect life - life is not perfect and I cannot expect myself to be perfect.  Yet I am committed to being self-reflective, present, inspired, intentional, empowered and proactive.  To me it is about aiming for the 80/20 rule - where 80% of the time I feel happy with myself and different parts of my life.  And it is a journey. 

I still have challenges - some smaller ones, some bigger ones.  Yet I am blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people in my life.  And I am blessed to be self-aware and to have tools within me to support myself.  I am blessed to be in joy, gratitude and hope on a daily basis.

A big change for me has been my enhanced commitment to be active in my faith and my personal relationship with God, where I have named and claimed my Christianity.  This has made a huge impact on my life in terms of feeling at peace and feeling on purpose.  I praise God for my blessings and I know that he is with me and for me every day, every step of the way.  

Knowing my values is really important to me and living my life based on these values is the key for me.  A couple of years ago, with a group of my friends, we studied the book ‘Spiritual Parenting’ which I loved as it was a great opportunity to establish our family values and learn ways to be practical in building faith in our children.  In deciding what was important to us as a family we came up with an acronym for FAMILY which represents - Faith (A Commitment to be Active in our Faith), Attitude (Positive and Gratitude), Memories (Special Moments), Inspired (Life), Love (Ourselves, Others and the Earth), You (Know Ourselves, Our Gifts, Strengths, Uniqueness).    

My goal is to be in a state of presence every day, to be present moment to moment, to allow space to hear guidance from the Holy Spirit, so that I can live an inspired life, where I can make a difference.  I love acronyms and I love the acronym for TRUST - To Rely Upon Spirit Totally.  

I am enthusiastic to teach the meaning of our values to our children.

I am excited that I know myself and I know what is important to me.  And I am still learning about different parts of myself that work for me and other parts of myself that need to evolve.  Setting goals and personal development is still (as it has always been for the last 20+ years) important to me.  

I am happy!  I am grateful!  I am blessed!

I write this Blog to record my journey of self-reflection and self-discovery and my process of transformation.  It is about being authentic and real and sharing myself and my life.  It is about keeping myself accountable to be committed to my purpose, my passion, my vision.  It is not so much about others reading my Blog, although I have decided to be brave in sharing my personal journey with others. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and to get to know me more.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1 Month To Go

It's 1 Month To Go until I turn 40.

40!!!  I can't really believe it!  The other day at work, one of my colleagues said that she thought I was in my 20s - that's a nice compliment, however the reality is that I am turning 40.  

And I am feeling 40.  Starting my new job has been challenging and rewarding and stressful and tiring - it has been a great move and I am enjoying my job - and I am tired and feeling old.  My favourite thing to do when I get home is to have a hot bath and I do look forward to trying to get into bed before 10pm, so that I can feel fresh when I wake up early in the morning.  My Man and I laugh about it - although I do wish I did not feel so tired and so "middle-aged".

With 1 Month To Go I was hoping to use tonight as a chance for Reflection - where I am, where I want to be - and how I can take Steps to close this gap.  And yet as I sit here I am already feeling tired and ready to turn in for the night.  Of course I also have a cold and so am not feeling 100%.

Hmm... not a positive start to my 1 Month To Go Review.  

The great news is that today we sold our Apartment - and so we are 1 Step closer to being able to buy a new home, a 3 bedroom townhouse or villa where we can start getting ready to grow our Family - now that would be the number 1 Dream - having a beautiful baby.  In turning 40, having a baby is what I feel is most missing from our lives - and I feel that this is the next chapter in our lives.  Having a baby of our own will be the greatest Dream come true. 

Another thing that is also missing from my life, at the moment, is a regular exercise routine.  I have fond memories of when I would be out running every morning, training for an upcoming running event.  I would be up early and out the door full of energy and excitement.  And yet now I allow time for my snooze button to catch a few extra minutes before getting out of bed to get ready for work.  I do walk and I do stay active through the day - and yet I am missing a training program.  I must get back onto the treadmill as well as longer walks outdoors.  

From today, starting today I am also making a Commitment to give up chocolate - at least for the next 1 month - chocolate is not the best for my well-being, I often get quite sick eating chocolate and the next day after eating it, I feel very less than my best.  Giving up chocolate for the 1 month, at least, will also be a good practice of my willpower.

With 1 Month To Go before I turn 40 I am feeling so Grateful for all the greatness in my life - My Man, my Family, my Coaching, my new job, Community, Friends.  Definitely within the next few weeks I am looking forward to some Self-Care and pampering - perhaps some nice long walks, perhaps a massage, actually definitely a massage, maybe/ definitely a facial.  And maybe a new craft hobby - I did start doing knitting, enjoyed it, not sure if this is right for me since I had to keep undoing all that I have knitted when I make a mistake, as the Perfectionist in me wants to get it right - maybe back to crochet or sewing and definitely photography.  And I know I definitely want to start writing, or do more writing - Trusting in the power of Inspiration and I must remember to tune into this Space.

Hmm... 1 Month To Go - and how Grateful I am that I AM HAPPY!!!

Thank You God for all your Blessings.

Hmm... time for bed...  and what a Blessing it is to feel safe and warm, feeling a sense of Home and feeling relaxed and at peace.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crossing The Threshold

Well today was my last day of my job, it is a day of Crossing The Threshold - moving towards a role where I feel I will be of greater Service and working on Purpose.

Today at work, everyone was very lovely, we had a morning tea, the Operations Manager said some nice words about me, that I have "definitely been an asset", and everyone gave me a hug goodbye and wished me well and my Operations Manager once again said that he knew it would all go well for me.

I took some photos - I wanted to capture the people that I work with who have helped me grow in so many ways - and capture this day for me, a day that I will remember as it represents a big change for me, a big decision (that seems easy), the Crossing The Threshold.

It feels a bit strange leaving my job, I don't really know how I am feeling - perhaps sadness... I am not sure of the emotion... although I definitely do not feel relief or huge joy - which is a good sign in a way - I am leaving while the energy is still positive, rather than leaving a job I do not like.  I have worked at this company since 1 March 2010, not that long, and yet I feel that I have settled in and given my best. Whatever the emotion of leaving my job, it is definitely side by side the Excitement of my new Journey I am about to begin. While I have given my best at my job, I know that there is more of me that I can give...and so I am Crossing The Threshold.

I definitely feel that I am responding to the Call of my Soul. And I am definitely leaving the comfortable and known and stepping out into the unknown.

I found these great words about Crossing The Threshold by Alvin Soon "You’ve committed to leaving behind the Ordinary World and stepping into the New World of your Hero’s Journey. And as you do, you’re exposed to new sounds and sights, new learnings, surprises, adventures and experiences you’ve never had before.  As you do so, you might feel out of place. You might feel uncomfortable, inexperienced. You are the proverbial babe in the woods. You ask yourself, ‘What was I thinking to leave my ordinary world behind?’. We’ve all been in situations like this.  But you’re stretching beyond your old self."

This morning when I was driving to work, for my last day, the first words I hear are "Shine a little of my light on the world" and I am loving this song and feeling so motivated as I sing along "I'm gonna give myself permission to shine, I'm gonna shine so bright" - loving this song!  And then it was funny, as I'm feeling so Motivated and Excited, and then the news comes on and they tell the news about an armed hold up at Burwood - hmm, great, this is where I will be working.  Although I know there can be crime anywhere and this will not take away my Excitement.  Then a speaker comes on talking about Jesus being with his Disciples in the storm and I felt reassured and reminded that God will be with me everyday.

Ever since I have been young I have wanted to be of Service. For a long time I was planning to be a Teacher and then changed my mind at the last minute before my university preferences needed to be submitted.  And for most of my Career I have worked in corporate companies and I have always tried to find a Purpose in my role to keep me Inspired.  And now I am Crossing The Threshold where I feel that I can Make A Difference everyday - and that is my Commitment.

I feel ready to step out into the world.  I feel Excited that I can be a Life Coach everyday.  My Commitment is to see the Uniqueness and Greatness in every person, and help my Clients be the Creators of their own lives.

I refer to my website 'About Me' and I feel that the very essence of what I offer in Coaching, will be able to be offered in my new role:

* SHINE: Excitement, brightness, glowing, brilliance, excellence, eyes lighting up, a feeling of basking in sunlight, reflecting light to others

* As a Coach it is a Honour to work with people - As a Coach I see the light in people, their uniqueness, their greatness - so that they may SHINE and express their unique gifts in the world

* The Coaching Process involves shining a light on areas in life that are both working and not working, shining a light on the Vision for the future and bringing obstacles into the light to help bring about change

* My belief is that each day is a new day, that we are not defined or restricted by our past, but that with the rising of the sun there is the opportunity to begin again or take new steps towards our desired destination

* My desire is that the Process of Coaching can help more people LOVE SELF and LOVE LIFE

* MY BACKGROUND: I have 5 years experience working in Training and Team Performance and with a Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching I love working with Clients to help them live a life that they love

* I BRING TO COACHING: My strong Presence and offering of Sacred Space, my Passion and Enthusiasm, Positive Attitude, belief in our ability to create a life that Inspires and Excites us, Commitment to my Clients, empathy and compassion



* I Am Here to Help People SHINE in Life

And so as I am Crossing The Threshold, I realise that I may be stepping into the unknown, yet I have Confidence and Strength in my own Self and a clear Vision for my Lifework... and so I feel at Peace... Thank You God, Amen

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Uniqueness, My Greatness

I am a big believer that we all have a Life Purpose or Soul Purpose, that is different for each and every person. We all have our Unique Gifts and I believe that when we are in the space that allows us to express our Uniqueness and Greatness, we feel alive. And the opposite of this is also true. 

I have been asking myself what is “My Uniqueness, My Greatness For The Glory Of God”? In being Christian I do believe that God has made us as unique beings (in his image) and by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, listening to The Call, we can live our truth and serve God for the greater good of all.

Thanks to the Process of my Coaching Course I was able to discover my Life Purpose as “To Love and Serve, to Spread The Yellow, to Make A Difference” and lately I have been asking myself, am I living this everyday - or how can I better live this every day.

I love my work Coaching my Clients - it is wonderful and such an honour to be a Coach. The work that I love is helping Clients access their own truth, where they can be true to themselves in the daily lives - in their relationships and their work. I am committed to being an Integral Practitioner and so I challenge myself to live my highest potential by also being true to myself.

I have been working for four days in a company as a Team Leader/ Project Leader. I have enjoyed my job - I understand the work, I feel that I do it well, the company is local to my home - and yet I do not feel alive or energised. And in reflection, I feel that there is not the room to fully express my Gifts, my Self, my all, My Uniqueness, My Greatness.

I have been reading Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl which is based on his experience and learnings of being in a concentration camp and a quote I love is “it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us.”

I have been praying, asking God, where can I serve, and asking him to open up opportunities for me. And I have been sitting with a sense of peace, trusting in God.

There have been signs and I am glad that I paid attention.

There was a small hint of possibilities when I was watching the clip on the Nature Care website from one of my previous teachers and she was talking about the Life Coaching Course and the opportunity to either work for yourself or use Life Coaching skills in a workplace.  Hmm... this sense of possibilities resonated with me...

The first real sign was how uncomfortable I was feeling at work when people in my workplace were making jokes and remarks about minority groups and people who have disabilities. I know that they were harmless remarks and were said without meaning to be offensive - and yet I felt so anxious and stressed every time I heard these remarks. My oldest friend is in a wheelchair and I am so aware of her huge ability and how amazing she is - and so any comments about people with disabilities makes me feel that I can’t breathe. This reaction got me thinking...

At Church I asked the Pastor to pray for me and she prayed that conversations would take place and there would be new possibilities for my Lifework.

I then went to a Coaching Workshop and was talking about my reaction to what was happening at work. Then after meeting fellow Coaches who were working in organisations where there is more room for them to share their skills, I felt Inspired to look at Seek on the computer. At that time I intuitively felt The Call to look at Recruitment Services for people who are unemployed and may also have disabilities. Instantly I felt excited and passionate and without any hesitation I started applying for positions.

I am now so excited that I have found a great new job. On Monday 18 July 2011 I start a new role as a Group Facilitator for job seekers and a Placement Consultant for adults and teenagers with short-term and medium-term disabilities. I am so excited that I feel that I will be able to use my Training and Life Coaching skills on a daily basis. I am not sure where this Journey will lead me, and I feel excited that I can show up with love and help people to see their own Uniqueness and Greatness so that they feel confident and Empowered to be the Creators of their own lives.

I feel excited that I am answering The Call of my Soul.

I have been reading Soul Currency by Ernest D. Chu, another brilliant book, and I love all of the stories that highlight the Uniqueness and Greatness of individuals:

- Walter Simonson studied a major in Geology, and everyone who did not know him thought that he was very serious - however he had a gift for drawing fantasy stories and on Saturday nights he would share his comics with his friends - his parents wanted him to study medicine - today Walt Simonson is one of the most beloved comic book illustrators and writers, his joy and talent show in illustrations in The Hobbit, Thor, X-Factor and The Making of a Sorcerer - he has reached the top of his profession

- As a young six-year old girl Author J.K.Rowling would write fantasy stories about rabbits in her diary, and through following her Soul Purpose and using her Uniqueness and Greatness has successfully written Harry Potter, a series that people all over the world love

- Kenny Kramm worked as a pharmacy technician in his family business, and when he had his second child, his little girl at only ten days old had a massive brain hemorrhage - Kenny and his Wife tried to give their Daughter medicines to help manage her cerebral palsy and seizures, yet their daughter would spit out the awful-tasting medicines - Kenny then started experimenting with harmless additives and flavours, where the drive to help his daughter and then the idea of helping other children has encouraged him in his work - today FLAVORx Inc is the leader in flavourings for medicines

- John Wood took a vacation from his high-stress job as a Microsoft Marketing Executive - he also had an intention to find meaning in his life - he went hiking in the Himalayas and visited a school where he noticed the school’s library only had a few books left behind by hikers - John Wood soon resigned from Microsoft and established Room To Read, an organisation dedicated to foster literacy in countries affected by poverty

- John Robbins went to Harvard and was being groomed to be President of the family business, Baskin-Robbins, one of the world’s largest ice cream producers - but he believed that ice cream contributed to “disharmony with our environment” and wrote the prize winning Diet For A New America.

Mother Teresa once said “It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of Love that is put into them that matters.” Love is what will Inspire me as I start my new job and commit to making a difference.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

1 Year

In 1 Year so much has happened, there have been some big changes in my life.

I am most Excited that I am now Married.  Getting Married to My Man was such a wonderful day - the happiest day of my life.  Words cannot really capture the Joy and Excitement and Love of our day on 11 April 2011.  It was such a perfect day.  What made it so perfect was being so happy and in Love - we had the biggest smiles all day.  It was also a perfect day, being surrounded by so many of our closest Family and Friends, those who we Love.  My Nieces were our Flowergirls and they looked so beautiful - it was so special having them be a part of our day.  I love my Nieces so much.  And it was very special for me having my Mum and Dad share our day.  I am so lucky to now have a wonderful Husband - who is my best friend, my everything.  I am very blessed.

And our Honeymoon was FANTASTIC!  It was so great going away together to Fiji, we just loved it!  No computers, no TV, no phones, just beautiful warm weather, relaxing days just the two of us.  Bula, Bula - everyone is so friendly.  The food was incredible, so much food - best fish I have ever tasted.  My Man loved the snorkelling, I saw this totally new side to him - he was so active and excited about going snorkelling and kayaking.  And I loved the swimming pool - as soon as I woke up I was in my swimming costume and just loved swimming in the pool.  I really loved the opportunity to relax in paradise together.  PARADISE is the word!!!

The Turtle is important in Fiji - it means goodluck.  I loved the Turtles on Treasure Island.  My life has been filled with good blessings in the last 1 Year.

And I do believe in making my own goodluck.  I am blessed that My Man came into my life and yet I do know that as soon as I became clear and conscious about what I wanted in a relationship, that I was able to be so confident that My Man was so right for me.  I also did not settle for anything less than the Vision I had for my True Love.  Finally!!! I am happy and in Love.  And the greatest realisation is that neither my Husband or I have to be perfect - we Love each other, we can grow together, we can learn and get to know all the different Parts of each other - and best of all, we are the Creators of our life together.

In the last 1 Year I have also been learning from being in my own Coaching business.  I have been Coaching for 1 Year now and now is the time for self-reflection - to look at what I have learnt and take those learnings to plan for the next 1 Year ahead.

I am happy.  It has been a wonderful 1 Year.  I am also blessed that my Mum is well and happy and healthy and we had a lovely Mother and Daughter day today.  And I always love to see my Dad, it has also been a big 1 Year for him.

It has been a big 1 Year.  Some things are not within my control - and yet I am choosing to focus on what I can control - choosing positive thoughts, letting go of worry, and very importantly taking ACTION towards my Goals - what are my Goals?  Time to set some new Goals - where do I want to be 1 Year from now?  I have learnt from the last 1 Year that I can make a difference, that I can consciously choose - now it is time to Visualise 1 Year from now and also start taking steps in that direction.

This week I plan to make time to reflect on the question on the back of my Business Card -
Ask yourself from the heart, if I could be, do or have anything I would definitely...
... Stay tuned...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unconditional Love

Wow - I had to share these amazing words:
'Unconditional Love - Love Without Condition' by Sandy Stevenson

"I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world.

I honour your choices to learn in the way you feel is right for you.

I know it is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you 'should' be. I realise that I cannot know what is best for you, although perhaps sometimes I think I do.

I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need.

I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgement from me about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say and do. In this place where I am, I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow without reservation the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this, for if I would deny your right to your evolution, then I would deny that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so I shall be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

I allow you the Universal right of Free Will to walk your own path, creating steps or to sit awhile if that is what is right for you. I will make no judgement that these steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint. I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy and yet it may be that you bring great healing as you stand blessed by the Light of God. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution and with great Love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. In humility I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean it is also right for you. I know that you are led as I am, following the inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefit and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that Love and Wisdom back to the whole. I know that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will not only love you if you behave in a way I think you should, or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in another God than I.

The love I feel is for all of God's world. I know that every living thing is a part of God and I feel a Love deep within for every person, animal, tree and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all the creatures in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier in the joy of ...
Unconditional Love "

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Wish

The other day I went into Paddington to get some makeup for my wedding. As I do not wear makeup very often and like a very natural look, I have been looking for a makeup artist and the right makeup. And after meeting a lovely beautician on Thursday night, my journey took me into Paddington.

I am not a big shopper and yet when I arrived at Paddington, I heard the faint whisper of a Part of me that said “I Wish”... I was shocked - the voice said “I Wish I was rich...” In a second I thought about how I would go to the day spa all the time for facials and massages and “I Wish I was rich to go into all of the fancy clothing boutiques” and ”I Wish I had the confidence to go into the fancy boutiques”. And then in an instant I thought “I Wish I was more beautiful”,” I Wish I had perfect skin”, ” I Wish I had perfect features”, “ I Wish I had beautiful long hair”, “I Wish I looked all dressed up and fancy like the ladies passing by me”.

I was very curious about this Part of me...

Normally I sit in a place of Gratitude and Thankfulness for all I am and all I have. Very big in my Awareness is the fact that so many people live in poverty and struggle for their basic needs or even just people who are affected by sickness and disabiity. And yet here I was wishing for more.

And it is not that I can’t afford clothes in those boutiques - maybe one or two pieces (maybe a scarf) if I made it a Priority - yet it actually comes back to the larger Part of me that does not really like shopping. And yet I have noticed that there is this Part of me that is become louder and wants to wear nice things and wear makeup and look pretty. For a long time I did competitive Running, it was always about being faster - short hair, skinny, Running shoes, Running clothes, Running, training, competing - very Masculine and Yang. I even remember a boyfriend at the time who grew sick of my tracksuits and wished I wore more skirts - I still remember him saying that to me. And after I hurt my back I started wearing shapeup joggers to help my back, and they do make a difference - and yet now I want different. Now my Feminine Part of me, my Yin, is coming more alive, back alive - where I am finding myself wanting to buy magazines, wear pretty blouses, wanting to paint my nails - and even travelling to Paddington to get the right makeup that is right for me.

These thoughts in my head of “I Wish” only lasted about one or two minutes. I was then able to return to the Part of me that knows I am so fortunate. And then I also sat in a Space of what is really most important to me - what “I Wish” for the most - “I Wish my Mum didn’t have cancer”, this is the big number one - and “I Wish we have a baby soon”, another big, very important Wish.

Being in the Space of “I Wish” made me think of the Serenity Prayer - “God grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot Change; the Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.” For me there are many things outside my control, some of the big things. And if my greatest ”I Wish” is about Family for me, I can continue to treat this as a Priority in my life.

And if I am finding my Spirit come alive and some excitement regarding matters of the Feminine, it does not mean that I have to get caught up in Consumerism, Materialism, Shopping - yet I can enjoy my trip to Paddington to buy makeup, I can buy and enjoy flicking through magazines, and I am really enjoying now that I am back again wearing more dresses, embracing my Feminine. And it doesn’t mean I have to spend a lot of money - I even enjoyed a look at St Vincent De Paul’s at Paddington and found a really nice designer blouse and also a dress - all for the total price of $18 - I was Excited. I don’t really care about the “designer” bit, although there was a Part of me quietly Proud as if I had bought it at full price - and the main Part of me loved the bargain. Mostly I always love the opportunity to be on a treasure hunt to see what surprises and delights me in second hand stores and I love the chance to Recycle and Reuse.

The “I Wish” related to the Feminine Part of me is loving colour and fabrics and fashion. My Spirit is highlighting that I could get back to sewing again - I remember with fond memories sewing clothes -back when I was about 16-20 years of age. I used to love sewing dresses and wearing them out. Perhaps a new hobby when the time is right. And I am also interested in expressing my creativity through photography - another hobby I once loved.

I am not going to say” I Wish I had more time”.   I know I have the power to manage my time so that I can focus on my Priorities and Values.

I just realised that if I stay in the “I Wish” Space for too long (more than a couple of minutes), I am almost sitting in powerlessness, almost waiting for someone to rescue me or make my dreams come true.

Instead if I use the “I Wish” Space as a window to when my Spirit comes alive and when I feel Inspired, I can decide if this is really my heart’s desire.  There is almost a childhood Innocence here -  I can ask my Innocence Part of me what I really want, and in the quietness listen to my inner voice.

For ages and always, since I have stopped Running over the last couple of years, whenever I see a runner, I always say to myself “I Wish I could run again”, and so today on my walk, I allowed my Self to enjoy a few minutes of Running, in between Walking, enough to make me feel the aliveness and Joy of Running. Wonderful!!!

From the “I Wish” Space I can also check to see what is underneath the “I Wish” and show Curiosity of how I can fulfil Needs for my Self, my Soul. As an example the “I Wish I was rich and I would go to day spas more often”, I know this for me is about yes being pampered, but most importantly just wanting time to relax and have “me time”.  And so this morning I made it a Priority to get up early and take a walk in nature, and this evening made time for a relaxing bath.

And so from the “I Wish” Space, which feels so distant and far away, I am able to move to a place of feeling Excited and Empowered.