Sunday, November 28, 2010


For me, Love is the most important of all - spending time and being Present with those that I Love in my life.

I remember years ago when my life was so busy and I was always worrying or thinking about work or about relationships that weren't working out, or thinking about the past or worrying about what was out of my control.  And now, right NOW, I feel very relaxed, my mind is clear - I can be totally Present in the NOW.  It is so great to have a quiet mind - I feel that there is space - time to breathe.

I Love that I can enjoy time with My Man - enjoying time out, time at home, time together.  I loved celebrating My Man's birthday recently, it was so great being at a beautiful restaurant together, enjoying a long lunch - I am so happy that I have found Love.  To Love and Be Loved is the greatest gift - my greatest dream come true. 

And I Love spending time with my Mum and Dad.  I am blessed that they have always filled my life with Love.  Just the other day we were shopping and I was ordering lunch for Mum and Dad and I took a few moments to just look over at my Mum and I waved to my Mum - in that moment I just looked over and saw such beauty in my Mum - my Mum waved back - this was a moment of just feeling such Love for my Mum.  I captured this moment in my heart.  Since my Mum has been unwell I have been so conscious of just enjoying time with my Mum, telling my Mum how much I love her and telling my Mum she is beautiful.

And today was a wonderful day - time with the Family, enjoying my Niece's dancing concert.  I Love my Nieces - they bring such Joy and Love into my life.  It was great to just enjoy the day, without thinking about anything else, just being totally Present and also feeling the warmth of Love from being with my Family and my Nieces.   I especially loved seeing my Niece Ashley up on stage smiling and dancing and having a great time - what a great feeling to feel such Love in my heart as I watched Ashley performing her ballet and jazz.  And I Love the hugs from my Nieces and I loved when my Niece Olivia sat on my lap and relaxed into me, so comfortable, so relaxed, moments filled with Love.  Here are some of my favourite photos from today.


I Love taking photos and I also Love just capturing moments in my mind's eye.  Today I was sitting next to my Mum and my Niece Olivia who had been sitting on my lap most of the day came over and climbed onto my Mum's lap, her Nana - and it was a beautiful moment, Olivia cuddled into my Mum and I just enjoyed feeling this moment of Love.

For a long time I was searching for My True Love and during this search I was so Grateful to be surrounded in the Love of my Family.  And now I have so much Love in my life - so much Love that I Value above all else - this is Life's Greatest Treasure for me.

I remember at College we enjoyed a Meditation about our Purpose - it was a Meditation based on when your Soul is about to become human form, at the time of conception - and we were asked the question - what will be your Purpose in this lifetime?  The word that came up for me was... Love - so simple - so true for me.  

And with Love as the main Priority in my life, this guides me in my Life Design.  I now choose a job and a career that allows me to enjoy work-life Balance with plenty of time dedicated to the key relationships in my life.  I also ensure that I have time for Self, enjoying one of my favourite books, relaxing in the bath, a walk out in Nature - Self-Love.

My Commitment is to Love - Love of Self, Love of My Man, Love of My Family and Friends, Love of ALL - LOVE.

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