Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring Is Here!!!

So much is happening.  It is hard to capture everything that is happening for me and my Family.

There has been some very challenging times starting with my Dad's heart operation.  The great news is that he is getting stronger day by day.  I love my Dad.  I am disappointed that we never celebrated his 80th Birthday and know that when he is feeling better we will definitely do something special as a Family.  Another very challenging day was at the hospital with my Mum yesterday, her regular cancer check-up - it was a tough day, especially sitting in the room waiting for the verdict from the Specialist.  It was upsetting to see the brain tumor on my Mum's scans and the positive news is that my Mum is very well now and no other tumors have surfaced in my Mum's brain.  It is hard realising that my Mum has cancer.  In the past, when cancer appeared for my Mum, she has been able to have an operation and get rid of the cancer - now my Mum has to live with this tumor.  There are no answers at this stage.  And so we agree that there are no more questions right now.  My Mum says that she just wants to forget about it - and just live.  My Mum is so strong.  My wish is that I can be as great a woman, Wife and Mother as my Mum.

Despite the challenges I am very Grateful for the wonderful moments in the last couple of weeks.  I am very much about the moments - capturing the Beauty and Love in the moments of my life - capturing them in my Heart and mind's eye.  I feel myself breathing in the moments.  Since our Engagement, I feel like I have spent so much time in my car racing around to hospitals - and I have also really enjoyed some moments of Love and Life.  Once again, I acknowledge and accept and see myself holding the Paradox in Life.

I love spending time with my Family.  I loved spending some time with my Nieces and Aunty Joyce and my Mum and My Man at the Park - it was just nice to be outdoors and enjoying time playing at the playground.

It was also wonderful to enjoy some precious moments at my Niece Ashley's Birthday.  My Dad wasn't well enough to come to the Party and he was missed and yet it was still lovely to see the smiling face of my Niece Ashley and to see how much all of my Nieces are loved.

And Spring Is Here!!!  YAHOO!!!  I love Spring!!!  I love the Sunshine.  I love the feel of Spring in the air.  This morning My Man and I were up early to see the Sunrise.  It is a ritual that I have enjoyed all year - watching the Sunrise on the 1st day of every month.  It was a bit of a struggle when I heard the alarm this morning, and yet I love seeing the Sunrise at the beach.  It is one of my favourite sights.  I love seeing the beautiful colours in the sky at Sunrise and Sunset and I loved taking a walk with My Man - just being outdoors together is FANTASTIC!

I love being outdoors.  With so much happening in my life, I love being in Nature which gives me a Sense of Peace, Simplicity, Beauty.  I love hearing the Birds singing.  I love the Wattle Trees.  I love Flowers.  

I love being in the NOW when I am in Nature, just capturing the moment.  I love being in the NOW - Fullstop, Exclamation Mark!!!  This is how I want to live my life, just in the NOW, not thinking about the Past or worrying about the Future - just being in the NOW.

We can never be sure what happens in our life.  Just today at work I was listening to the stories of Colleagues and their own struggles and pain.  One lady told me that her Dad underwent an operation, where the doctor said they could not complete the surgery as his heart could not take the operation - and so now he is in intensive care waiting to see if they can try again.  Another Friend told me that her Brother had a car accident on the weekend and he is in intensive care, he has had two operations and they are also not sure of the extent of any brain damage.  As I listened, I felt tears welling up in my eyes.  We all have problems and pain and suffering.

I am learning to be Grounded and Centred and Present to what is - and I feel Stronger in my Self.  My Teacher said that I am in a place of Strong Presence.  Once in Meditation an image came to me where I am enmeshed with a Tree, Strong and Grounded, firmly in the Earth and I am also reaching for the Stars, reaching for Spirit, open to receiving from God, the Universe, Angels, Love and Light.  In this place I am also in My Yellow Heart, open and loving and Present.  I cannot find the exact image that captures this for me, it is probably a combination of some of these type of images.

And as I am Grounded and Open to Spirit I can hold the Paradox of Light and Dark - I feel Strong.  In this Place I am living in My Yellow Heart.  This for me gets me out of my Head.  My Yellow Heart for me is Love, Light, Peace, Truth.

In My Yellow Heart I am in touch with my Sage and all of my other Archetypes as my Strengths and Resources.

I am very Excited that Spring Is Here!!!  And for me it is a time to Celebrate Joy.  I want to engage in activities that have Heart and Meaning for me.  I want to be in the NOW and ENJOY every day, every moment. 

It is also a time to bring in my Organiser for Spring Cleaning - I start this Friday.  The sooner I get my Spring Cleaning DONE, the more time I can have for being outdoors - a great reason to be motivated and focused for the big job ahead of me.

YAHOO Spring Is Here!!!