Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Way Of Being

I just love Wattle Trees.  Today when I was getting out of my car, just about to rush out in the rain, I noticed a beautiful Wattle Tree bush next to my car - and for a few seconds, my Soul felt alive, soaking in the beauty of the Yellow Wattle Tree.  And everyone knows how much I LOVE Yellow.

I am Consciously shifting to a New Way Of Being.  In My New Way Of Being I am Totally Present and more in my Body.  In my Other Way Of Being I can get stuck in Thinking or Overthinking or in the Shadow of Worrying, or be swept away with my Feelings.  In this New Way Of Being I notice the Yellow Wattle Trees and I love to hear the Kookaburras singing.  Very important to me is spending time in Nature and enjoying smelling the roses (literally).

I love that I am a Transformational Life Coach and I am very Passionate about working with my Clients when they are working at embracing a New Way Of Being, discovering and exploring their Inner Journeys.  And I am Passionate about my own Journey.  For me my New Way Of Being is about being "Present and Warm To What Is", it is about being Real and Authentic, it is about Being in the Now.

In this New Way Of Being I am Totally Present in my Relationships, I am not in a rush or having to be somewhere else, I enjoy the Present Moment.  I am Grateful for my Man and my Family.  The image of this New Way Of Being for me is My Yellow Heart – where I am relaxed and at Peace and there is purity in my Love and Connection for all.  In this New Way Of Being there is Joy and Happiness and Gratitude for Beauty and Simplicity.

In this New Way Of Being where I am Totally Present and in tune with my Body, I am able to decide my ACTION.  Both of my Parents are not well at the moment and I today I felt a sense of being uncomfortable in my Body.  My Mum said that they were okay and that I should just be at work today, and yet it was an easy decision to talk to my Manager and advise him that I needed to leave within the next few hours.  My Values came into this decision today, an easy decision for me, where Family and Love are my biggest Priorities.  I am just so happy that my lifestyle and my work allow me the flexibility, where I can leave work to look after my Mum and Dad.  I knew that I needed to see my Mum and Dad and once I was with them, at their Home, that still feels Home to me, I felt relaxed and calm and Grounded in my Body. 

Rather than worrying about what may or may not happen, which is my Other Way Of Being, I am able to rest and relax now that I am at Home, knowing that I have been Present to my Mum and Dad.

Of course, I sometimes need reminders to keep me on track in this New Way Of Being, to bring me back to being Present in the Now. Sometimes I remind myself when I catch myself worrying about what I cannot control - I say "Stop" and this moves me out of my Thinking and back to the Present.   Other times, like this afternoon, when I was driving Home from my Parents, I was lost in Thinking about my Brother and what I wish could be different, and then I see a car number plate, I feel it is a message from the Universe for me - "I AM I".  This reminds me of my Counselling Courses where we are trained to recognise that "I Am I... You Are You", and from this place I bring myself back to the Present Moment and not take on all the worry and responsibility.

 This can be challenging when it involves the people that I love.  Today I feel myself stepping into my Caregiver Archetype, which comes naturally for me. 

And yet the Shadow of this can be when I go into worry.  My Man is also sick, and it would be easy for me to create all of these possible scenarios about what this means and the fear of test results, and yet my worry will not serve us - instead I can be in the Present and approach day by day.

Being Present in the Now for me is about letting go of my Past.  I love the quote that hangs in our living area "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a Gift."  Stories from my Past often come up for me - when I was married, my divorce, other relationships from my Past, jobs and careers from my Past,  when I was a Manager, when I was a runner.  And the Past can be great in terms of leading us to where we are Now and lessons that help us on our path - for me, my failed marriage and deep dark depression and then my career in working as a Manager has led me to become a Coach – and this is my Lifework and I love that I now have my Coaching Business. 

And the Past can also be wonderful as a source of reflection where we are able to tune into times when we felt alive in our career or in our hobbies as indicators of our Passion and Purpose.  I have recently remembered how much I loved sewing and making clothes, and I am very Excited by the opportunity to start sewing again where I have been loving just walking through Lincraft and I feel my Soul alive when I see all of the beautiful material.  My Creator Archetype is all ready to start creating and yet I know that I need to bring in my Organiser Archetype and Destroyer Archetype to clear clutter and find space to bring this new hobby back into life.  I have a strong sense of my Organiser Archetype which shows up a lot more when I am in my New Way Of Being as I let my Body and Intuition guide me - where I have a sense that I need to Organise at Home or get moving on some "to do" list items for my Coaching Business or Colllege.

I am also gaining a sense of My Creator Archetype, where the other night I enjoyed making Cards to use as a Resource for Coaching Children.  I loved sourcing images and cutting and laminating the set of Cards.  I was Totally Present and in the Moment and loved being in Creation.  I am very Excited about bringing my Creator Archetype more on the stage in my life through sewing, photography, cooking, art.  I am looking forward to my Yin and Yang working together – tuning into my Intuition to be Inspired and then enjoying the process of Creation. 

From my Past, I also have such a love of Running and I often remember how much I love and miss Running.  I always notice runners when they run past me and when I hear my friends talk about Running, I always wish that I was also out there Running.  And yet for me I am choosing not to run right now where I am choosing to enjoy Walking while my body becomes stronger, since my main priority is to have a Baby within the next 12 months, this is my greatest desire.   When I am asked the question, the same question I use on my Coaching Flyer - Ask yourself from the heart, if I could be, do or have absolutely anything, I would  definitely ___________be a Mum.  As I tune into my Body and I am just Present in my day to day life, I am always drawn to the stories of Mums and love seeing and being around Babies and Children.  I am ready to be a Mum.  Every part of me feels this Call.

For me I feel that I am Creating a New Story – there is a New Book beginning for me.  While I Value my Past, where there are many Books and Chapters and so many wonderful life experiences and lessons, I have started a New Book.  The other Books are on the Bookshelf and I am closing these Books now, no need to tell stories from my Past or worry about my Past.  NOW, I can just be Present in my New Story.  And when I am Totally Present, I am also not caught up thinking about the Future, worrying about the Future - I can enjoy the NOW.  I can still dream about the Future and have Goals, and I can be unattached to the outcome and enjoy every day, the Gift of each day.
In my New Way Of Being I am in the flow, there is space for spontaneity and adventure.  I do not know what tomorrow will bring and yet I feel that when I am Grounded and Centred in my Body and Totally Present, I can feel into my Intuition.  I also have all of my Strengths and Resources of my Archetypes.  The key for me in this New Way Of Being is to press the Pause Button when needed, just Pause and Breathe Deeply and ask for Guidance from my Sage Archetype, who I believe is Inspired by God and supported by the Love and Light of the Universe and my Angels.  I am Loved.  I am Love.

And in Love I can Spread The Yellow.

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