Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crossing The Threshold

Well today was my last day of my job, it is a day of Crossing The Threshold - moving towards a role where I feel I will be of greater Service and working on Purpose.

Today at work, everyone was very lovely, we had a morning tea, the Operations Manager said some nice words about me, that I have "definitely been an asset", and everyone gave me a hug goodbye and wished me well and my Operations Manager once again said that he knew it would all go well for me.

I took some photos - I wanted to capture the people that I work with who have helped me grow in so many ways - and capture this day for me, a day that I will remember as it represents a big change for me, a big decision (that seems easy), the Crossing The Threshold.

It feels a bit strange leaving my job, I don't really know how I am feeling - perhaps sadness... I am not sure of the emotion... although I definitely do not feel relief or huge joy - which is a good sign in a way - I am leaving while the energy is still positive, rather than leaving a job I do not like.  I have worked at this company since 1 March 2010, not that long, and yet I feel that I have settled in and given my best. Whatever the emotion of leaving my job, it is definitely side by side the Excitement of my new Journey I am about to begin. While I have given my best at my job, I know that there is more of me that I can give...and so I am Crossing The Threshold.

I definitely feel that I am responding to the Call of my Soul. And I am definitely leaving the comfortable and known and stepping out into the unknown.

I found these great words about Crossing The Threshold by Alvin Soon "You’ve committed to leaving behind the Ordinary World and stepping into the New World of your Hero’s Journey. And as you do, you’re exposed to new sounds and sights, new learnings, surprises, adventures and experiences you’ve never had before.  As you do so, you might feel out of place. You might feel uncomfortable, inexperienced. You are the proverbial babe in the woods. You ask yourself, ‘What was I thinking to leave my ordinary world behind?’. We’ve all been in situations like this.  But you’re stretching beyond your old self."

This morning when I was driving to work, for my last day, the first words I hear are "Shine a little of my light on the world" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qzqzb9QTLA and I am loving this song and feeling so motivated as I sing along "I'm gonna give myself permission to shine, I'm gonna shine so bright" - loving this song!  And then it was funny, as I'm feeling so Motivated and Excited, and then the news comes on and they tell the news about an armed hold up at Burwood - hmm, great, this is where I will be working.  Although I know there can be crime anywhere and this will not take away my Excitement.  Then a speaker comes on talking about Jesus being with his Disciples in the storm and I felt reassured and reminded that God will be with me everyday.

Ever since I have been young I have wanted to be of Service. For a long time I was planning to be a Teacher and then changed my mind at the last minute before my university preferences needed to be submitted.  And for most of my Career I have worked in corporate companies and I have always tried to find a Purpose in my role to keep me Inspired.  And now I am Crossing The Threshold where I feel that I can Make A Difference everyday - and that is my Commitment.

I feel ready to step out into the world.  I feel Excited that I can be a Life Coach everyday.  My Commitment is to see the Uniqueness and Greatness in every person, and help my Clients be the Creators of their own lives.

I refer to my website www.shinecoaching.com.au 'About Me' and I feel that the very essence of what I offer in Coaching, will be able to be offered in my new role:

* SHINE: Excitement, brightness, glowing, brilliance, excellence, eyes lighting up, a feeling of basking in sunlight, reflecting light to others

* As a Coach it is a Honour to work with people - As a Coach I see the light in people, their uniqueness, their greatness - so that they may SHINE and express their unique gifts in the world

* The Coaching Process involves shining a light on areas in life that are both working and not working, shining a light on the Vision for the future and bringing obstacles into the light to help bring about change

* My belief is that each day is a new day, that we are not defined or restricted by our past, but that with the rising of the sun there is the opportunity to begin again or take new steps towards our desired destination

* My desire is that the Process of Coaching can help more people LOVE SELF and LOVE LIFE

* MY BACKGROUND: I have 5 years experience working in Training and Team Performance and with a Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching I love working with Clients to help them live a life that they love

* I BRING TO COACHING: My strong Presence and offering of Sacred Space, my Passion and Enthusiasm, Positive Attitude, belief in our ability to create a life that Inspires and Excites us, Commitment to my Clients, empathy and compassion



* I Am Here to Help People SHINE in Life

And so as I am Crossing The Threshold, I realise that I may be stepping into the unknown, yet I have Confidence and Strength in my own Self and a clear Vision for my Lifework... and so I feel at Peace... Thank You God, Amen

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