Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gifts Of Today

Today I enjoyed a nice sleep until 7.15am - it was not a sleep in, yet what was different about this morning was that somehow I forgot to set my alarm, and so it was nice to just naturally wake up, without the buzzing of my alarm.  Yes I am definitely adding this to my Gifts Of Today List - my Gratitude List.

I love to get outside in the morning and I was Grateful that there was still time to take a 30 minute walk.

I am Grateful that I didn't get caught up in my mind, overthinking - instead I felt very Present - and in such a brief period of time I was able to enjoy such Beauty - more points to add to the Gifts Of Today List.

When I arrived at Gunnamatta Bay it was such a treat to see the baby Pelicans - I love seeing baby Birds.   I love  Birds.  I also enjoyed seeing the Galahs - everyone knows I love Yellow - and yet there is something special about the pink and grey colour of Galahs.  As I was enjoying the Beauty of the Birds, down came the rain - it was not heavy - just a light drizzle and I felt happy being out in the rain - feeling very alive.  I loved seeing a new red rosebud, waiting to bloom - and loved seeing the richness of red in the bottlebrush and a rosella happily sitting on a branch.  And I just love the smell of Jasmine at this time of year. 

And then today when I was walking in my breaks at work I just loved feeling the warmth of the sun.

I definitely feel myself in my Nature Child Archetype - feeling free and in love with Nature.  I would love to just sit and watch and Connect with Nature all day - even the Beauty of the snail caught my attention this morning.

These are the Gifts Of Today - Gifts that are free.  These are the Gifts that bring me Joy, as I take a brief moment to savour the Beauty of Nature.  I often reflect that it would be great to have my camera handy to capture these moments - and I do love taking photos - and yet I often find that this can distract me from being totally Present in the Now.  

I have been reading about 'Positive Psychology' http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/PositivePsychology.pdf - I am very interested in this area.  It "seeks to understand positive emotions such as Joy, Optimism and Contentment".  I love that "Positive Psychology is interested in the conditions that allow individuals, groups and organisations to flourish."  In reading about 'Practical strategies to increase your level of happiness' I read about "Savouring: Savouring is the awareness of pleasure and of giving deliberate conscious attention to the experience of pleasure".  This morning I was definitely in practice of Absorption which is defined as "Allow yourself to become totally immersed and try not to think, just sense."  I also enjoy taking a mental photograph of these moments.

And now tonight rather than putting on the tv - I enjoy listening to Pink and I light all my beautiful candles and I love making a pumpkin and asparagus risotto and it is nice to just sit down and enjoy time with My Man and then we have a dance  As I enjoy these moments they flood the experience of my day with Joy and Positive energy (rather than an alternative choice of just acting as if today was just another day at work).

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

I am very Grateful - Thank You God for your Blessings and Miracles.

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