Friday, March 26, 2010

The Gift of My Inner Voice

Welcome to the New day.  This morning, lying in bed at 6am, I felt my Inner Voice guiding me to get up and go to the beach to watch the sunrise.  What a Gift - my Inner Voice.  What a Gift the sunrise.

The sunrise was perfect.  I sat watching the sky- the beautiful pink glow, it was such a relaxing and peaceful space.  The glow brightened and deepened, and I waited with bated breathe.  And then the sun peaked above the horizon, greeting the day - breathtaking, amazing, incredible.  The camera could not capture the beauty - so I captured the image in my mind's eye, mesmorised. 

Most importantly I sat into the feeling of the essence of how I was feeling. I felt witness to the sun - I felt in connection with the sun - I see you, I am here, I choose to Embrace the Light. In those moments I felt in Surrender - Please guide me to Love, Serve and Spread The Yellow - Please guide me God, Universe and My Angels - Please guide me to where I need to be.  I felt in complete peace and harmony.

I had left my phone at home (not intentionally - but thankfully), so no calls, no checking the time, no expectation of calls or checking if there were messages - and so I just listened to my Inner Voice and went for a walk, just allowing my intuition to guide me.  It was wonderful to be out of my head, not thinking or stuck in thought, or racing to get to a pre-determined destination at a pre-determined time for a pre-determined objective.  I just walked, asking for guidance where I should go and just allowing my 'gut' to lead me.

I came to a crossroad and just as I was about to turn right, I felt the pull to turn left - and found my feet taking me to my favourite bookstore.  Through Conversation and Connection, came forth the offering that there is still space available that may work for my life coaching business.  I was able to pay a visit to the rooms at the back of the bookstore where a Community of Healers are working - and I was able to just 'be' in the space to see how it felt, to sit and once again tune into My Inner Voice.  Yes!!!  This is where I need to be.  It is such a spiritual space and felt right.  In this new space of trusting, I believe in my heart that this place would be perfect to start my business, Shine Coaching - perhaps this will be 'the' place I coach or just one of the places where I coach - now I am willing to Trust the Flow and see where this journey leads.  I remain open to the possibilities - and in my heart, I feel that this could be the start of something amazing - like the sunrise - a new beginning - a bright new day.

As I was just about to leave - I commented that the pictures displayed in the rooms and bookstore are breathtakingly beautiful - and was shown the perfect book GODDESS. Awaken Your True Potential. Reach For The Stars.  Toni Carmine Salerno - "an intuitive artist and published author with a strong interest in spirituality, philosophy and energy healing".

His artwork and verses are ___________________ - I can't find the right word - his website is if you would like to check out the Gallery of his work.  I took a quick snapshot of some of the prints to share on this Blog (not sure about copyright??)

"Follow your heart
Your sacred duty is to follow the guidance of your soul.

So do not let fear cloud your purpose
Your inner light will show you the way
She is your wisdom - trust in her.
Every moment is precious.  Every challenge A BLESSING.
Every day presents A NEW OPPORTUNITY." Toni Carmine Salerno

After a beautiful morning - I went home feeling energised and excited.  Hmm... the perfect time to get stuck into my housework and create sunshine, peace, beauty, space - to Spread The Yellow here in our home.

Of course I then reward myself with a meditation - which I start with the words of Toni Carmine Salerno -
"Gently close your eyes and as you quiet your mind,
relax every muscle and joint.
Let go of all tension and
bring your focus to your breath.
Imagine myself breathing in light.
As you breathe out,
breathe out all unwanted thoughts.
Feel a gentle breeze flow through your mind -
feel it clear away any concerns or negative feelings.
... Breathe in light...
... Breathe out love... "

1 comment:

  1. wow - again. i havnt seen the sunrise at the beach in as long as i can remember... and i think i might just get up early to do it next week!
    Toni Carmine Salerno - amazing. i have some cards of his/hers?!?! and the Goddess book has been on my "would love to have book" wishlist for quite sometime. i need more GOddess energy in me xx love ur blog everyday. love u x
