Monday, March 22, 2010

Spread The Yellow - Defined

Yellow = Love, Warmth, Connection, Presence, Genuine Interest and Curiosity, I'm Interested In What You Have To Say, I'm Interested In Your Journey, I Care, I SEE YOU, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ME, JOY, Happiness, Positivity, Energy, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Eye Contact, Just Being With Another, A Smile, A Moment, A Kind Word, Words From Your Heart, A Hug, An Encouragement, An Acknowledgement, Gratitude, Appreciation, Gift Of Words, Gift Of Thoughtfulness, AWARENESS, Opportunity, Possibility, Right To Choice, Right To Choose, An Offering, An Invitation, Make A Difference, Make This Moment Count!!!

Spread The Yellow is about Sharing, Moment To Moment, Positive Energy - and in that Moment, in that Creation, there is a Far-Reaching, Flow into the Universe, a Domino Exponential Effect.  'The' is about Purpose and Intent - in those Moments, Taking A Moment to Spread The Yellow, these Moments come from a Natural, Heart-Felt, Genuine, Place of Love.  It is the small things that are the BIG things.

It is easy to get caught up in the busyness, racing to the next task, racing to do more, be more, have more - but imagine if we all just took a few Moments each day to Spread The Yellow - Can You Imagine the Difference We Could All Make?

This is not about spraypainting the world Yellow - there are so many other beautiful colours to enjoy and embrace (purple for spirituality, orange for creativity, green for growth, red for love and passion, blue for peace, pink for play (my own impressions and expressions of these colours) - and sometimes we may feel stuck in black or shades of grey, and may be in Surrender.  Yet there are 960 waking minutes in a day, which equals so many Opportunities to Share, to Offer, to Take a Moment for Warmth and Connection, to Help Others See the Light in the World and the Light in Themselves, so that they May Shine! 

This is also (SO IMPORTANTLY) about Connecting with You and Your Light and Being in Appreciation of Your Greatness and Uniqueness - Love for Self - Love and Appreciation for Your World - the Yellow and Beauty in You and the World - and  from that Flows Positive Sparks of Light, Bright Energy and Love.

There is a Light in all of us.  This is Your Invitation to Spread The Yellow and Make A Difference...

“Infinitely more important than sharing one's material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves -- our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love.” 
William E. Simon

“It only takes one smile to offer welcome...and blessed be the person who will share it.
It only takes one moment to be helpful...and blessed be the person who will spare it.
It only takes one joy to lift a spirit...and blessed be the person who will give it.
It only takes one life to make a difference...and blessed be the person who will live it.”
Amanda Bradley

“In each of us, there lies a divine connection to a power more powerful than hate or violence. Today is the day to attune to that power and use it on behalf of peace on earth.”
Marianne Williamson

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I am grinning ear to ear right now :D I am so so so happy for you, excited for you, for your sisters, for the planet! I see those yellow flowers everywhere now it makes me smile even on the crappiest of days. Those little drops of subtle beautiful bliss :) wow something in me has really blossomed this morning just from ur email, ur first post and ur NEW BLOG!! would love to offer you anymore support you want and need for this. we'll make a day of it! MUCH LOVE AND (YELLOW) LIGHT! xxx
