Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trust The Flow

Wearing the Intention of Yellow in my heart is changing me, changing my life. Thank you Universe. Thank you God.

Firstly, I would like to honour my Soul Sisters – I am in honour of you all – thank you for sharing an amazing weekend discovering Vision and Purpose. Thank you for your encouragement and support, for your beautiful words – I am honoured to share this journey with you. Thank you for allowing me to sit and be with you all, as we continue to believe in, and be a witness to one another.

On the weekend I became in touch with my strong impulse to rush off and get busy, busy, busy, rushing, rushing, rushing to compile my to do list, so I can do, do, do, and run, run, run towards my destination. And thankfully, I also became in touch with the beautiful feeling of just being in the flow, trusting the flow, the rhythm – taking one step and trusting the Universe would open up the next door, showing me the next signs, feeling in at a body, intuitive level. I loved getting in touch with that swaying, flowing feeling and then being a witness to the feeling of the ‘twister’ that comes and wants to carry me away- and my capability of being a witness to the 'twister' but my capacity to choose to stay in the flow.  The feeling of trusting the flow is no longer just a theory.

I was reading some of the beautiful pages from The Persistence of Yellow (Monique Duval) – it has beautiful imaginative stories and illustrations – I loved these words:
Today I saw the future. She was sitting in a lawn chair in the centre of the road with a sign that said, 'Don’t go this way'. She doesn’t always take the direct approach. She might camouflage herself behind traffic jams, alarm clocks, burnt toast and deadlines causing the urban observer to believe she’s really not there. But no matter what, she always leaves a little trail of hope leading to her infinite arms.” WOW!!!

And today I experienced the Universe in operation – the beautiful opportunities to serve my greater good. A reminder I just need to Trust The Flow. This morning, I was on my way to get some keys cut and I had a plan – get there at 9am, get the keys cut, race home and then race to work – so simple!! And yet, when I arrived at the shop, it was closed.  The man in the shop next door advised me that the shop was usually open at 8.30am – and then pointed me in the direction of the hardware at the end of the mall - yes they can cut the keys. So off I venture, to the end of the mall, giving up the plan or the need to rush. As I walked down through the mall I saw a woman - a woman the Universe knew I needed to see. I could have just said hello and walked on by (especially, if I had have remembered that I had a plan), but I stopped and we spoke, we connected – just for a few moments. This was a woman that I had previously judged, judging her for how she acted and the way she spoke – but in that moment I had the honour to just be in conversation and have compassion for her journey – the honour of her trusting me, to share with me a small brief insight into her pain, her struggle, and now her sense of hope. I thought I knew so much more than her - I thought I knew her and knew her story.  And yet today I had the privilege to witness her beauty, her light, her greatness. As I walked away from this woman, with the offering that I would like to chat another time, I walked away with a choked up feeling, a tear in my eye.  I walked away sending her genuine light and love. This woman taught me the greatest lesson – the greatest of lessons – how can I judge another when I have not walked in their shoes, how can I possibly know what it is like in their world – I remember a beautiful quote from the beautiful movie “As It Is In Heaven” (a ‘must see’ movie) - "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." I also now have this huge understanding that I cannot just be selective as I Spread The Yellow – giving to some and not to others – I have to wear the yellow deep within me – it is me – it is not a choice that requires discrimination. I Am Yellow – I am Love.

I am grateful to the Universe for creating the opportunity to walk down the mall in search of another service to cut my keys. Of course, the keycutting machine at the hardware was broken, so with grace I walked back to the original shop that was now open, although the owner was absent getting a coffee. And happily I waited, forgetting my plan, forgetting the need to rush.

So as I journey each day, I now Trust the Universe and Trust The Flow of events to best serve me in My Mission.

Of course I then got home tonight, actively thinking about my day and caught up in the excitement and rushing to get inside to watch my favourite TV show - and I tripped up the stairs - hmm, therein lies another lesson - watch where you are going, pay attention - and the reminder - stop rushing, slow down!!!  The Universe has a great sense of humour, thank you for the lessons.

"As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.”
Emmanuel Teney

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i love how u tripped up the stairs (as harsh as that may sound i now realise haha)... a hint to slow down. i will always think of that now when i trip x LOVE the new additions to ur already fantastic blog :)
