Friday, April 23, 2010


What I love about Coaching is the ACTION, the moving forward, Next Steps, ACTION towards Goals.

The Yang, the doing part of me, loves the feeling of ticking off items off the 'To Do' List.  I have had such a productive day and I feel Fantastic.

First thing this morning, I go for a run - 30 minutes - Loved it - just Love the Joy of running.  It is such a great way for me to start my day.

It is 2 weeks until I start my Coaching Business - and so today is centred around getting things done - ACTION.  As I am about to walk out the door I select an Angel card - I like what I read - "Patience - Archangel Jophiel: 'Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realise.  Still, they need nurturing and patience.''' 

This morning I go to a BEC (Business Enterprise Centre) Seminar and Tradeshow.  I meet my friend, Aideen - it is great to enjoy the walk around together.  Similar to myself, Aideen is visual, an ideas person, a visionary - I love that we are friends.  It was a great morning - plenty of brochures and business cards - some great contacts - certainly, some ideas to help with my business.

On the way home, I revisit one of Anthony Robbin's CDs - he talks about Pain and Pleasure as great motivators of human behaviour.  He is such a positive speaker - I love his work.  He talks about "weeds in the garden", and that he is not one to be super positive and just convince oneself that there are no weeds - yet that we have a choice - and we can face the weeds, work out what needs to be done, get rid of the weeds - ACTION - and move on - he said that in life there are going to be weeds.  He made a reference to advertising - and highlights that all advertisements are based on these two human emotions of Pain and Pleasure - trying to entice consumers to act.  He believes that we have a choice - by using these Pleasure and Pain emotions, the "carrot and stick", we can choose to change any behaviour, anything, in any moment.  In the CD, Anthony Robbins sets a challenge of writing down 4 Actions that need to be done and linking them to Pain and Pleasure - the Gains and Pleasure that will come from taking Action and the Pain that we will avoid.

So I write down my 4 ACTIONs and by having awareness of Pain and Pleasure from taking the Action and maintaining a concentrated mental focus of ACTION I just raced through so many 'To Do' items - more than 4 ACTIONs - I just kept going - hours of power - easily getting everything done - including:
1. Organising insurance for my business
2. Organising an ABN
3. Paying the rent for my room hire
4. Returning a book to a friend
5. Contacting a few friends that I haven't spoken to for a while
6. Cleaning out my car (this is a BIG job that I avoid and have not made a priority - to motivate me - I thought of the Pain I would feel if a Client saw my car and noticed the clutter)
7. Ordering a box of organic fruit and vegetables from a local business that will be delivered on Tuesday (imagining all the Pleasure that will come when I get the surprise box and my Yin can be creative)
8. Booking a dentist appointment (imagining the Pain that will happen, both physically and financially, if I don't get my dental work done, that is already overdue)
9. Approving my business card and organising it to be printed
10. Giving feedback on the flyer and obtaining a quote
11. 2 loads of washing. 

I feel Fantastic!!!  

I also enjoy a 7 minute Meditation and would have loved more - but I hear my Man arrive home and love when I can greet him at the door.  I loved the meditation - in my mind's eye I see myself planting Trees, and then there were all these trees with Yellow flowers, and then I had a sense of other people planting Trees of Yellow.  It was such a beautiful Vision.  I have a sense that they are Wattle Trees - and although I searched Google for Images I couldn't find more than one Tree - yet I love the images below - the sense of planting (and love the Yellow handle on the shovel and Yellow bucket) - plus the brilliance of the Yellow of the Wattle Tree.

Great to have ACTION and Vision.

I have started reading a great new book - 'The Seed Handbook - The Feminine Way To Create Business' by Lynne Franks.  I love this book - the first page states "This book is dedicated to all women entrepreneurs everywhere who believe, as I do, that by creating a business based on the feminine principles, they can plant the seeds in their local and global community of love, peace and connection".

I love all the words that are used in the book - Community, Love, Peace, Connection, Empowerment, Nurturing, Compassion, Communicating, Balance, Vision, New Way, New Paradigm.  These words are so in line with my Vision to Spread The Yellow

I also love that SEED is an acronym for Sustainable Enterprise and Empowerment Dynamics.  I am definitely committed to doing all that I can in my business to support the environment.  Today I signed off the artwork proof for my business (EXCITING!!!), and while it is more expensive (sadly) to print on recycled card stock, I am happy to make this choice and Commitment.

On another note - I LOVE acronyms - a few years ago - I was known as the Queen of acronyms - in all my training material and flyers I would use an acronym.  NOW for me, SHINE Coaching believes that through the Process of Coaching, Clients may feel Successful  Happy Inspired  New Empowered - and in terms of the Transformational Coaching Process it is about Self-Discovery  Holistic  Intuitive  NewSteps  Experiential.

But back to SEED - I LOVE the SEED Manifesto - an affirmation, an agreement, an offering, a recommendation, for me a COMMITMENT -
I, Kathryn Petersen, "affirm that I will
- Constantly plant seeds as well as pick the blooms
- Make the space and time to stay in tune with my higher self
- Never let go of the BIG Vision
- Put my Values, including Integrity, Compassion, and Love at the centre of my enterprise
- Remember the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all my ACTIONs
- Believe in myself so others will, too
- Keep humour and laughter as vital ingredients of my Business Plan
- Get up early in the morning
- Not neglect my personal relationships, loved ones, and friends in any way
- Manifest abundance in all areas of my life
- Keep my clutter to a minimum
- Recognise my gifts and delegate the rest
- Look at difficult situations from all perspectives
- Welcome in mentors and mentor others in return
- Light candles every day and surround myself with fresh flowers
- Give people more than they expect
- Talk slowly but think quickly
- When I lose, don't lose the lesson
- Know my industry
- Keep improving my technology skills
- Smile when picking up the phone
- Remember my body is my most important tool - stretch, exercise, breathe, go for a walk, dance
- Every day try and read a poem, listen to an inspiring piece of music, look at a wonderful painting or go into nature
- Drink six to eight glasses of pure water every day
- Listen as well as talk
- Learn the rules, and then break some
- Know there is nothing more sexy than confidence
- Remember that no-one, not even myself is perfect, but I'm doing the best I can."

I just love all these words - the philosophy for my life and business.

Tonight in celebration of my day, I light candles and listen to Missy Higgins CDs, I love her music.  I just remembered the words I heard this morning, while going for my run - I had just left my home and turned the corner and I greeted a man (whom I do not know) and said "It's a lovely day" - and he says smiling "Every day's a great day" - "Yes" I agree!!!

After a day of ACTION, it is now time to relax...

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