Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This morning before I go for my morning walk - I look to my Love Life book and read -

"Love Yourself"
"The greatest Gift you will ever
receive is the Gift of Loving
and Believing in Yourself.  
Guard this Gift with Your Life.
It is the only thing that will
ever truly be Yours."
Tiffany Loren Rowe

On my walk I reflect on these words.  My Yin and Yang can relax and just see what shows up today (and I will be a witness and observer of my own mind and process).  I don't need the power of Yin-Yang to help me on my run.  My Yin - the feminine part of me is relaxed, smelling the roses, intuitively being guided around the park and loving the beauty and uniqueness of each Tree.  My Yang - the masculine part of me, is thinking about Self-Love - reflecting on the past 4 years before I met my Man - I am curious how I could let myself be treated so badly?  I am curious - was this lack of common sense, lack of logic - was I just so in love with the wrong men - did I just want to be loved so much, that I was willing to settle for less than what I deserved - simply it seems, I had a lack of self-esteem and Self-Love.  I was definitely so caught up in Yin, being all sexy and loving - being in my heart - and definitely abandoned my Yang, the thoughts in my head.

The last 2 years in becoming a Coach have been an amazing journey.  Words cannot articulate or express this wonderful experience.  I have been inspired by 3 wonderful woman, teachers, mentors - who with passion and humily show me their love of their work and desire to serve.  I am also touched that they have shared their own journeys - and do not claim to be perfect or have all the answers, as they are on their own journey, they are only human.  And yet with time and experience, they have learnt to tap into their own strengths and resources, that help them survive and thrive. 

These woman Inspire me to be real and authentic.  That is one of the reasons I have started this Blog.  I believe in being real and authentic - long gone are my own masks, or my endeavour to be perfect.  My mentors have taught me that I can still be on my own journey, and yet still, so powerfully, have a passion and the skills and insights to help others on their journey.  I do not need to have all the answers - as I believe that people are creative, resourceful and whole - and everyone has the power and answers within - to check in, with what is right for them - and in my Coaching, I can offer support, facilitate awareness and help my Clients put their dreams into action. 

While I can't wait to get started as a Coach - life Balance will always be important to me - as well as honouring and being a witness to my own journey.  Self-Care and Self-Love. 

Self-Love for me is now getting to know myself and accessing all parts of myself so that I may SHINE and Spread The Yellow.  It is about my Yin and Yang working together - and embracing each other - loving each other.  

I am more Yin - I am Intuitive,  I love the big picture, love ideas and I am imaginative - I am also a Feeler, basing my decisions on how they will impact people - and a Perceiver, I love flexibility and like to keep my options open - I am great at generating alternatives and true to Myers-Briggs Typology, I am surrounded by clutter and I love variety.  Yin is easy for me.  I actually love my Yin, my feminine part of me.

It is my Yang part of me that I need to get working to help my dreams and goals come true.  After years of working in the corporate world, I do have some Yang muscle - the Thinker part of me is a friend I have always relied on - logical and analytical - sometimes the Shadow part of me comes up and I can go into Overthinking or Judging - and as I observe myself - and bring the Shadows to the light - I get back on track.  Looking back on certain corporate jobs, there were certainly many times of stress - and so I have recently, happily, released my Yang - loving the freedom of my Yin, feminine, flowing part of me.

And yet now I am realising that to release my own MAGNIFICENCE (love this word!!) - I must get my Yang, masculine part of me, working for my Yin - I can choose to use my Yang resources - being practical and detail-oriented, organised and ordered, setting and making my own deadlines.  I CAN CHOOSE!  I have the capacity to be Yin and Yang, Intuitive and Sensory, Feeler and Thinker, Perceiver and Judger.  I can choose to use all these resources - my Yin has the imagination and the colour and the creativity and my Yang is my feet on the ground, my marathon runner, getting it done - getting it done for his beloved Yin.

I am excited by the power of Yin-Yang working together - in fact I am gaining more clarity and achieving my Goals faster - some key Wins for me in the last few weeks since I learnt about Yin and Yang, and am choosing to be a witness, an observer to myself, have been:

- Designing my business card which goes to print tomorrow - my Yin has been having a ball for months, and kept sketching and drawing and sketching and drawing, loving coloured pencils and crayons - and then finally my Yin invited my Yang to help her get this project happening - my Yin and Yang working together with a Graphic Designer to make this happen

- My running, where I have been wanting to get back into running for 1 year - running for a while, then getting injured, etc - usually I have been too much in Yang, the Thinker and Overthinker Shadow, worried about my back and health concerns - yet with my Yin-Yang in harmony - I am loving my running and feeling free and in the flow - and building up my time to 43 minutes - the most I have run in over a year

- My cooking - I am absolutely loving how my Yin-Yang parts of me are working together to create healthy, vegetarian dishes - this has been a Goal for me for a long time - I have probably been talking about this for a year - now I am loving this - my Yang reminding my Yin that we need to get groceries, my Yin having so much fun exploring the fruit and vegetable shop, Yang looking up some ideas for inspiration, Yin adding her own ingredients, pizzaz. 
Just tonight I loved Cooking a Vegetarian dish - a Tofu and Vegetable stir-fry - loved it - chopping up a huge array of vegetables, cooking Tofu in lime olive oil (always brings great memories from our trip to the Hunter), soy and sweet chilli sauce, mixing in the vegetables, and once in the serving dish, throwing on some fresh cherry tomatos (cut in half) and fresh lime juice.  Delicious!!! 

I love cooking healthy meals and running - as this makes me feel good - and is an important part of my Self-Care and helps with my Self-Love.  Although, I can also accept and have Self-Love for all parts of me.

I am also learning that Self-Love and the opinion I have of myself is the most important and I don't need to rely or crave positive reinforcement from others.  I can be my own best friend.  I can just be myself.

And of course, it is always lovely and encouraging to get positive feedback or compliments from others - such as today, I was so touched and excited to receive an Award at work - it is called 'The Peer Award' - I was so touched to have my Manager say a nice speech about me and have colleagues come up to me and congratulate me and say they voted for me and why they chose me.  It was beautiful.  It was definitely an experience, through Connection and Intention, of Spread The Yellow to me.


It makes me Happy.

I am Happy.

Happy to want to keep Creating.  Tonight while creating in the kitchen (thanks again Christie for all your inspiration) I was playing Shania Twain.  Without surprise or reaction, I listened to a song that had been played at my wedding, the first dance with my now ex-husband – "From This Moment". Listening to these words tonight did not bring me sadness or take me down the road of looking at the past - instead, I felt inspired to nurture my own Self-Love - my own Yin-Yang love story – I love the words - "My dreams came true because of you" - and that is true for the love story of my own Yin and Yang - by maximising the abilities and potential of each part of me, I am making my dreams come true - here is a clip - really love this song -  I also love her other songs including - "I Won't Leave You Lonely" - these words are also great -

So where to from here - what is my next project that is calling my Yin-Yang?  As I am more geared towards Yin, I am definitely prone to clutter - so I have to get my Yin-Yang energy working together to get my study and work area clean, ordered, organised - and my finances and bills in order - my Yin needs my Yang - I start tomorrow...

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